
Mini Hangman Game Interface

A COMP123, Core Concepts of Computer Science, final course project that introduced us into the world of computer science.

Mini Hangman is an adaption of the classic Hangman game in which the user must guess a hidden word before they run out of attempts. In this spin off, the hidden word bank is Macalester College and Computer Science themed. Either a campus legend or a programming language, there are a handful of fun words to guess from!

(See image on the right for the game interface)


As our first ever CS project, we familiarized ourselves with Graphical User Interfaces using TKinter. By manipulating certain visual components, we gained insight into how code inputs will directly influence its resulting outputs. We applied the knowledge we learned through the course of dictionaries, lists, and functions to build an interactive game.

This rookie project allowed us to understand how coded logic translates over to practical implementation, facilitated collaborative brainstorming, and laid a foundational step towards our future projects.

Below are snapshots of the Win Screen(left image) and Lose Screen(right image)

Mini Hangman Game Win
Mini Hangman Game Lose

Future Implementations

There are many future implementations we could work on for this project. A few being:

  • A larger gameplay window with more aesthetically pleasing visuals.
  • Music and sound effetcs for an immersive gameplay experience.
  • Offering a more personalized experience by providing the option to choose from multiple themed-dictionaries like different majors or departments at Macalester.

Game Developers: Ramatoulaye Bah, Karla Martinez, Liam Acosta-Lora, and Yeshe Jangchup
For more, visit Mini Hangman